Painless data management in the Cloud
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    Why Systems Integration Makes Sense for Your Business

    There are so many fantastic technologies available, but do they play nicely with each other? Here are your Top 5 frustrations when stuff isn’t working together:

    1. Email attachments. Is this the latest version? Where should I save this? When I review my email, should I re-open the attachment from there, or open it from my saved folder. Did I remember to attach that file to my email?
    2. Too many files. Mac OS’s Spaces and Windows’ Flip 3D have made it easy enough to manage multiple open windows, but why do you even have to? 10 different spreadsheets, document templates, vcards, and more, simply waste extra time scanning for what you need.
    3. Doubled work. “I have to remember when I get back to the office to…” …input this client’s contact details, …enter this estimate into the computer, …sync my phone.  One more to-do, one more step that allows for error.
    4. Being out of the loop. Waiting, waiting for a teammate to send you the latest on the project you’re working on, only to find out that they finished hours ago, but forgot to send it to you. Or, as a project leader, you want to have a good feel of the status of the project, but everyone is weary of the constant nagging for updates.
    5.  Sync woes. Please can I rely on my mobile device to sync properly every single time?!

    Integrating your numerous systems brings transparency, timeliness, simplicity and cohesion to your workflow. Web-based (‘cloud’) software means that anywhere there is an internet connection, your customized program is ready for you. No syncing, no attachments, no time lag, no rework.

    Clearstream Collaborative takes the pain & frustration out of IT “systems” by building really great databases that work the way people want to work.

    Take our tour to find out how we use Intuit's QuickBase to improve productivity, maximize flexibility, and save you money by getting you onto the Cloud. Better yet, sign up for a free demo for your organization and get started today!

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